Watch and Download Full Movie Bird Box (2018)

Bird Box
Released December, 12 2018|Duration : 2 hours 4 minutes
DIRECTED BY : Susanne Bier.
PRODUCED BY : Chris Morgan, Barbara Muschietti.
GENRE : Drama, Thriller, Science Fiction, Horror.
VIDEO : 720p.
LANGUAGE : English.
COUNTRY : United States of America.
PRODUCTION BY : Universal Pictures, Bluegrass Films, Chris Morgan Productions.
Movie ‘Bird Box’ was released in December 13, 2018 in genre Drama. Susanne Bier was directed this movie and starring by Sandra Bullock. This movie tell story about When a mysterious force decimates the world’s population, only one thing is certain: if you see it, you take your life. Facing the unknown, Malorie finds love, hope and a new beginning only for it to unravel. Now she must flee with her two children down a treacherous river to the one place left that may offer sanctuary. But to survive, they’ll have to undertake the perilous two-day journey blindfolded.